25. Practice, Practice, Practice! with David Rinaldi


When I set out to do this podcast, one of the questions I was really eager to answer was: How do the strongest communicators PRACTICE their talks? And honestly except for a few different ideas here and there - it seems like people mostly don’t practice talks from start to finish.  And there are a lot of reasons for that - they often give the same talk over and over, they practice particular bits of their talks, they practice the opener and closer, but improvise a bit more based on a structure in between.  

But in my conversation with Dave Rinaldi today, I got the first really satisfying and challenging answer to this question.  He has a very particular approach that will, I think, challenge and surprise you.  We get into towards the end, so buckle up!  We’re going for a fun ride together. 

David Rinaldi is the Vice President of Mission for NET Ministries. He trains and equips NET's missionaries to bring the Gospel to 100,000 people each year. David has 20 years of ministry experience with youth and young adults and has given over 1,500 presentations to a variety of audiences and has never been run out of town. Yet. 

Please connect with David at his website catholicspeaker.org


For more information about the Better Preach Podcast visit: www.ryanohara.org/betterpreach

Better Preach is a proud member of Spoke Street, a Catholic Podcast Network that amplifies the voice of the Creator through fostering content that invites. 

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